't Bullekroffie

As 3 generations of Bullekroffie

How it began

We are the 3rd generation to be allowed to do business at this fantastic place. Great-grandfather Tiel was a dairy farmer and grandfather Tiel took over, that's how it was in those days. But there was more than just farming and dealing with people was one of them, where it is normally quiet on the farm and the work is lonely, with the arrival of the SVR (Free Recreation Foundation) camping guests came little by little. Grandpa Tiel was the 1st farmer in North Holland to join and automatically became a camping farmer. How he enjoyed life, guests and children on the farm, even now almost 60 years later there is still contact. Beautiful memories are shared.

Then we were allowed to take over the baton

We are Cor and Anneke and the kids, the 3rd generation at this beautiful place. Cor did not want to become a farmer, but the small camping appealed to him. Lots of beautiful plans and renovations realized, may expand 6 farm apartments, group accommodation and a meeting place. We continue to develop and become more sustainable. Meanwhile, we also have 5 vacation homes on a small vacation park on the water. Hospitality and personal attention are our priority! Of course, that nice campsite is still there.

In the Kop van Noord-Holland

With us, the ordinary is still Special

Hospitable and attentive to our guests. Simply enjoy the Ont-Moeten and life without a clock. Close to nature, but also close to the beach of Callantsoog and the always cozy Schagen.