't Bullekroffie

The days are getting shorter and shorter, and outside it is gloomy and rainy, with occasional nice sunshine.

We all creep back inside more and make our home cozy. A little cocooning, candles, wood stove on I love it. At the same time I look around me and see that the past year has taken its toll and that my lovely home could use a little love and attention. I have all these plans and ideas and secretly I know I will never be able to realize them all. But I am so ready because we are asked not to look for the crowds and because of all the turmoil (which always comes in 200% positive or negative) I really need a place of rest, a safe place. This is extra difficult for us because our business is near our house so the saying "behind comes first" is more or less first the guests and maintenance/plans for the accommodation and if there is maybe a little bit of time left our own house. Am not sad hear we have it good and are healthy, but it is just me for now. I bought lovely wallpaper and I am going to start cleaning out my closets (what do we collect a lot of and do we need it?) Minimizing is my goal (will be difficult, I know myself) But because of all the junk that goes into my head in the form of noise something really needs to happen. Something about a tidy house, gives a tidy head.

Meanwhile, hubby is nice and busy first all the chores that are still open and then start new plans (those are the most fun, of course). Meanwhile, the goal is to make it a little easier for us in terms of maintenance. (Next year we hope to finally have solar panels (postponed by all COVID perils) We also hope that our little apartment Improved Red and White is rigorously rebuilt. But most of all, I hope to be able to welcome everyone without fuss. That that threatening cloud that I wonder where ends that threatening cloud will be blown away by a brisk wind and that the sun will shine again for everyone. That this sun will be the same for everyone. Connected to each other without distinction, with respect. But above all that we may be who we are without judgment or condemnation. In the end everyone is unique and that is the charm of your unique self.